Linguistic Learner

  • Talk yourself through procedures or use recordings of your class lecture for repetition. 
  • Acronym mnemonics use words, focusing on the first letter of the word to make up another word or memorable sequence. You can also make up phrases using the items you want to memorize.
  • Note taking/Summarizing is a powerful tool for you. You don’t just have to write things down. Record your summaries  using a tape or digital audio recorder (such as an MP3 player, iphone), and use it later for reviews.
  • Ask a lot of questions.
  • Read aloud dramatically—perhaps even with an accent, and use a digital audio recorder (such as an MP3 player, iphone), to record and listen to lectures or to record and listen to notes you read.
  • Use the SQ4 R method while reading through your textbook aloud. When you read content aloud, make it dramatic and varied. Instead of using a monotone voice, turn it into a lively and energetic speech worthy of the theater. Not only does this help your recall, you get to practice your dramatic presence .
  • Step 1:   Survey (chapter overview)
  • Step 2:   Question(purpose for reading)
  • Step 3:   Read (for comprehension)
  • Step 4:   Recite(for understanding)
  • Step 5:   Rephrase (brief notes on the chapter)
  • Step 6:   Review(for retention)
  • Find a study partner so that you can recite your vocabulary with. You can even try role-playing  for added effect.
  • Use a color highlighter to emphasize certain points 
    Watch this video from Lincoln Land Community College as they go over the SQ4R method of reading textbooks in more detail!