Interpersonal Learner

  • Use a buddy to help you study---E-mail/phone
  • Teach what you are learning to someone else (Tutoring).
  • Compare notes with someone else taking the course.
  • Form and work within study groups.
  • Choose study areas where is highly populated.

 Tips on forming study groups:
  • Form a  study group that you can stick with through graduation. Develop an invested interest in each other and divide and conquer the huge amount of info Nursing students are expected to learn.


  • Go through your notes together. Sometimes someone else puts information down in an especially memorable way. Sometimes someone else catches something you missed.

  • Sit in the front row! Most study groups form from those you associate with during classes. So select your lab partner with care and sit in the front row with the students who are (or want to be) brilliant.


  • Divide and conquer! Assign a portion of each chapter or assignment to each member of your group. Each person is to make up study questions for their portion and distribute copies to the others. Presto! Your own practice exam!

  • Network with students ahead of you for information on courses and instructors. A little foreknowledge can go a long way.

  • Make quizzes and ask each other questions about your subject. Reward yourself for the hard work and studying you have done along with a successful test - we all know they are not at all easy!!!!!!!