Monday, May 16, 2011

This is a blog for nursing students to help create learning strategies for the benefit of succeeding in their college course work. Let's first define what the difference is between having study skills and creating a learning strategy:

  • Study Skills: Are the various techniques you utilize in which to learn certain subject matters.
  • Learning Strategies: Is the plan of action that incorporates various study skill techniques.

Check out this presentation on various learning strategies for nurses!!

By learning what type of learner you are, you can create a learning strategy that will reinforce WHAT you learn by How you learn.

The purpose of learning about intelligence preference is to help you think about the way you think (metacognition) and understand the best ways for you to study for your college classes. Everybody has a capable brain and can be successful in college, AND everyone processes information in a unique way. In other words – everyone is smart, but it’s important to discover HOW you are smart.

The Multiple Intelligences Theory, proposed by Howard Gardner shows us that there are eight different ways that people process information. We all learn in each of these eight ways, but our brains are predisposed to prefer one or more of the intelligence types over others.

Each are equally intelligent and important; they are just different. We are born with certain intelligence preferences; this is not something we can change. But, it’s important to be aware of all the different types. This will increase our chances for successful learning, and help us understand the way others think and learn.

The 8 types of intelligences that Howard defined are:

  • Linguistic and verbal intelligence: good with words.
  • Logical intelligence: good with math and logic.
  • Visual/Spatial intelligence: good with pictures and space.
  • Kinesthetic intelligence: good with activities.
  • Musical intelligence: good with rhythm.
  • Interpersonal intelligence: good with communication.
  • Intrapersonal intelligence: good with analyzing things.
  • Naturalist intelligence: good with understanding the natural world.

Watch the interview with Howard Gardner to find out his perspective on the theory of "multiple intelligences."